Water resources and water environment conservationThe sustainable development should be ac...

Proection of eclolgical environmentEcological environment refers to a total...

Sponge city constructionSponge city is a new generation of urb...

Professional Technical TrainingWith more than 100 well-known experts a...

ComprehensiveLand spatial planning, Urban planning; Wa...

International consultingAcademic exchange activities are carried...

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About Us
China Africa Water Association (CAWA) is an officially registered non-profit organization in the government of South Africa, which aims at advancing and promoting the exchange and cooperation between China and African countries in water resources management and water related environment protection. CAWA was founded in 2013 by a group of water scientists from Africa and China, including Prof Yongxin Xu, Chairholder of UNESCO Chair in Geohydrology and a professor of University of the Western Cape, Earth Sciences Department.
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