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Save water resources and protect the water environmentTime:2022-06-29

The overall distribution of freshwater resources in China shows an uneven state, which is embodied in the eastern and southern regions, where freshwater resources are relatively abundant, while the western and northern regions are relatively poor in freshwater resources. More than half of the freshwater resources are in the area south of the Yangtze River, while the northern freshwater resources are relatively scarce. Based on the analysis of water use in each region, the number of water-scarce cities is increasing. The survey shows that there are many main reasons for this phenomenon, such as the discharge of sewage by enterprises, and the waste of agricultural production, which will affect the protection and utilization of water resources, which will cause the lack of water resources in China to a large extent.

At present, people's demand for water resources is increasing, in this case, if we do not pay attention to the reasonable control of water consumption, then over time, it is bound to be difficult to meet people's demand for water resources, which is not conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of our country. Therefore, attention should be paid to controlling water consumption and implementing the rational use of water resources. In order to better utilize and protect water resources, we should be good at strengthening the protection of water resources, expanding water resources, promoting the use and recovery of water resources, and improving the shortage of water resources in China. To this end, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power "adheres to water conservation and water protection; Publicity of water conservancy knowledge" social practice team members entered the Beichuan Wetland Park in Qinghai Province to investigate the water environment. Known as the "kidney of the earth", wetlands have many functions such as conserving water, purifying water quality, storing floods and preventing droughts, regulating climate and maintaining biodiversity. Wetland parks have two major attributes, "wetland" and "park", which need both protection and rational use. In the process of investigating the water quality of Beichuan Park, we also found that there are a small number of garbage left by tourists in Beichuan Park, and we also cleaned it up.

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