Academic Communication ConferencePlatformAcademic Committee
The 7th China-Africa Water ForumTime:2022-07-27

The 7th China-Africa Water Forum was held in Windhoek, Namibia, from July 22 to 27, 2019. The meeting was chaired by the China-Africa Water Association and hosted by the Namibia Water Resources Association. From China University of Geosciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan University, Wuhan University, Taiyuan University of Technology, Hebei Institute of Engineering African Institute of Water Resources and Environment, Namibia Water Resources Association, French National Academy of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences and other well-known universities and research institutes at home and abroad, as well as from China Overseas Infrastructure Development and Investment Co., Ltd. (COIDIC), China ENFI(ENFI), Lin Tongyan International Engineering Company (TYLI China), South African GCS and other internationally renowned enterprises attended the conference and exchanged.

Zhang Yiming, Chinese Ambassador to Namibia, attended the meeting and made a speech. He said, the problem of water resources is a common problem faced by many countries in the world, how to use water resources and develop water resources fully is also an urgent need to be solved by the whole world, it is also related to the vital interests of each and every one of us. It is hoped that more scientific research results will be transformed into tangible projects and the common development of China and Africa will eventually be realizedthrough the China-Africa Water Forum as a cooperation platform. 

The conference focused on the theme of "Reducing water risks through sustainable management of water resources in developing countries" and discussed five aspects:

Reduce the risk of water supply

Through the analysis of the current situation of water resources in China and Africa and the research cases of China in the water ecological operation of reservoir groups and the verification of hydrological models, the optimal allocation of water resources, the stratification of water resources simulation by using models, and the fine characterization of water resources are demonstrated. The application of these methods is of great significance in improving the efficient use of water resources.

Water resources management and sustainable development

Through the groundwater management model in China and Africa, the analysis of groundwater utilization in arid areas, groundwater recharge of agricultural irrigation ecosystems, urban water resources management, and management of aquifer recharge under drought conditions. The methods and techniques of groundwater and surface water are exhibited in terms of the law and characteristics of mutual conversion and recharge under different conditions, as well as the analysis of the characteristics of agricultural irrigation on groundwater recharge.

Migration and diffusion of water pollutants

Through the cases study of China and Africa on the transport and treatment of pollutants in the soil, and the policy measures for environmental protection, the technologies for the treatment and remediation of groundwater pollution, the methods of the operation of pollutants in the soil medium, and the policy orientation in protecting the vulnerability of groundwater are demonstrated.

Exploration and development of groundwater resources

Through the case studies of China and Africa in groundwater development and utilization, methods and techniques for the sustainable development of groundwater aquifers, the search for groundwater in rock formations, and the function and sustainable development of rural water supply are demonstrated.

Effects of meteorological changes on regional drought and flooding

Through the research cases of atmospheric change, remote sensing technology and karst water treatment in China and Africa, the technologies and methods in climate change law, analysis of evapotranspiration trend in the region, and ecological return of spring water in karst areas are demonstrated.

During the meeting, the experts also had more in-depth discussions on desalination, artificial rainfall, water-saving irrigation agricultural technology, water recycling technology and purification technology, and field surveys were also conducted.

The China-Africa Water Forum has played an important role in the exchange and development of water resources between China and Africa, as well as in the integration of production, education and research. It has also played a positive role in promoting the in-depth exchanges and development of water resources between China and Africa after this year.

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